Having quality members is one of the constant concerns of Telegram channel owners. They knock on every door to attract new members to their channel. For example, they advertise, spend money and put aside many hours to produce professional content.
But they still can’t succeed in the second part of this task, which is to protect their members. In this part of “Telistamarketing“, we are looking for ways to “prevent the loss of members in Telegram” by examining some important points. If you are also struggling with this problem, stay with us until the end of this article.
How to prevent the loss of members in Telegram?
Many reasons cause members to drop in the Telegram channel. For example, sometimes the users are dissatisfied with the content of the channel or the amount of content is so high that it causes members to drop. Click for Non drop member
In the meantime, there are some simple methods to improve the condition of the Telegram channel, which can prevent the loss of members in Telegram. In the following, we will examine one of these cases, that is, link building in the Telegram channel.
What is link building in Telegram and why should we use it?
As you probably know, every post in Telegram has a dedicated link. As the owner of the Telegram channel, we can link the posts to each other and refer the user to our other related posts.
Finally, with this work, we have increased the probability of the presence of members in our channel.
How to link a text in Telegram?
Linking a text in the Telegram caption is something similar to creating an anchor text on a website. Of course, keep in mind that it is much easier to do these things on the desktop Telegram than on the phone.
Because in this case you can easily put a “URL” in the text. This “URL” can be internal – like a post from Telegram itself – or external – in the form of a website address with “http” or “https”. To link the text, we proceed as follows:
1- First, we highlight the text.
2- By clicking “CTRL + K” at the same time, the create link box will be displayed.
3- At the end, we give the desired address to the displayed box.
I suggest you do this and use hyperlinked text in your posts. Because users like to always see new posts on the Telegram channel.
You can take a positive step towards retaining your members if you link to new posts instead of forwarding old posts.
1- First, we highlight the text.
2- By clicking “CTRL + K” at the same time, the create link box will be displayed.
3- At the end, we give the desired address to the displayed box.
I suggest you do this and use hyperlinked text in your posts. Because users like to always see new posts on the Telegram channel.
You can take a positive step towards retaining your members if you link to new posts instead of forwarding old posts.
Apart from linking the text, you can also do things like bolding and italics very easily. For example, to make the text bold, do the following:
1- Highlight the section you want.
2- Hold “CTRL + B” at the same time and make the text bold.
To italicize the text:
3- Highlight the section you want.
Hold “CTRL + i” at the same time and italicize the text.
Internal linking in Telegram channel, one arrow with several signs
Now we come to the main topic, that is, how can we link to our previous posts? To do this, in Telegram desktop:
1- Right click on any post you want
2- Click on the term (Copy Post Link).
3- Then paste it in the desired place
In this case, Telegram will give you a “URL”. This “URL” is a combination of the main address of your Telegram channel and the corresponding number of that particular post. For example, if your Telegram channel address is (t.me/blog_dm), a number will be added to the end of this address for each post that is added to your channel.
Keep in mind that even pinning a post counts as a new post and the previous number is added to it.
I do this a lot on my Telegram channel. For example, in posts that are related in terms of subject and content, I give a link to previous posts. Because as we said a little earlier, forwarding Telegram channel posts annoys users.
Of course, many channels do this. Maybe one of their reasons is that they want to increase the vivi of a particular post. Instead of doing this and constantly forwarding, they can create a new post and put the link of their top posts in it.